The Signs Of Aging In The Eyes And Some Options

2 August 2023
 Categories: , Blog


Your vision is one of your most precious senses. As you age, the odds of eye issues increase. You should know what the signs of age-related problems in the eye are and what's available for anti-aging eye care products.

Dry Eyes

One of the most common age-related eye problems is dryness. As you age, your tear ducts may struggle to keep your eyes lubricated. Eye drops are the most common solution. Doctors often tell patients to use over-the-counter drops to lubricate and soften their dry eyes. Supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids may also help.

Dry eyes also can lead to issues with dust and other foreign particles getting into the eye. Washes are staples of any anti-aging eye care regimen. These are non-irritating products that help you get the junk out of your eyes. Especially if you wake up with dry eyes, you may need a wash in the morning to protect them from scratches and discomfort.

Light Sensitivity

Light glares and flashes may become more uncomfortable as you age. These can happen when you're driving, and that's especially dangerous. Light-blocking sunglasses are often necessary to prevent sensitivity.

You may also experience tiredness and sensitivity after staring at a screen for too long. Blue-light-blocking glasses can reduce sensitivity to screens on devices like TVs, phones, computer monitors, and tablets.


Everybody sees stuff occasionally moving around inside of their eyeballs. As you age, these become more common. They can be signs of a bigger problem, such as a detached retina, so you should talk with a doctor before moving on to OTC options.

However, an eye care professional may encourage you to take supplements to slow the progression of age-related concerns. Carotenoids are popular for treating issues that drive degeneration in the eye. Antioxidants are also frequently-used anti-aging eye care products. These supplements can't reverse aging issues, but they may slow the onset.


Eye strain is a notable problem as someone ages. You will want to order an eye exam to see if you need a prescription for glasses. However, you may also experience strain due to eye stress. Even if glasses help, you can do more with anti-aging eye care products like masks that can relieve eye stress and reduce strain.

Declining Vision Quality

Many people have blurred or otherwise declining vision as they age. Many of the products that treat strain should help. Also, supplements may be useful in delaying the further onset of quality issues.

For more information on anti-aging eye care, contact a professional near you.