Tips And Remedies To Treat And Prevent Three Pregnancy Skin Problems

17 June 2016
 Categories: , Articles


During pregnancy, you may notice many different changes to your body: some changes being better than others. For the more unpleasant changes, including acne, stretch marks, and skin discoloration, here are some remedies and prevention tips you can try for yourself.


During pregnancy your body is creating extra hormones that can cause excess skin oil on your face and cause acne. It is important that you don't squeeze or pop any pimples as this can cause irritation and infection in your skin. Also, keeping your hands away from your face will prevent your fingers from trapping oil in the pores of your skin. Trapping oil in your facial pores can cause increased acne problems.

With acne during pregnancy, the best thing you can do is wash your face twice a day, morning and night, with a mild soap that does not contain fragrance, as soap with a fragrance has a potential to cause excess irritation to your skin.  To treat your acne you can also use products that contain glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, or witch hazel, which are safe to use during pregnancy.

Any soaps or skin cleaners you use during pregnancy to help treat your acne should not contain over two percent salicylic acid. When your body is subjected to higher levels of salicylic acid during pregnancy, it has been known to cause your unborn baby to have birth defects and symptoms of Reye's syndrome. Reye's syndrome is a metabolic disorder that can include encephalitis and liver failure, and can cause death.

Stretch Marks

Some women get stretch marks on their belly during pregnancy, and some women don't. Whether you will get stretch marks is up to your heredity and the condition of your skin. To help prevent and decrease the occurrence of stretch marks, there are several different methods you can try to improve the condition of your skin and its elasticity. 

First, keep your skin well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water. It is recommended to drink at least two liters of water each day. If you notice your mouth or throat feels dry, this is most likely because you are dehydrated and you should increase your intake of water. You can also apply a generous amount of coconut oil or a lotion containing cocoa butter on your belly skin two to three times a day. Be sure to work the lotion or oil into the skin on your belly to make sure it is completely absorbed into your skin. 

Preventing rapid weight gain during pregnancy can help you prevent stretch marks. It is normal to gain from 22 to 28 pounds during pregnancy. Also, exercise regularly during your pregnancy can help as it promotes circulation to help nourish your skin cells, and also tones your muscles, and improves skin elasticity. If you did not exercise before you became pregnant, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor to establish a light exercise routine that would be best for you. If you exercised before you were pregnant, you can continue to exercise at a moderate pace, but talk to your doctor to make sure it is not too strenuous.

If your attempts fail to prevent stretch marks completely from occurring, after pregnancy you can get laser treatments to help the stretch marks fade from your skin.


Melasma, also known as pregnancy mask, is the condition describing discoloration that can occur to the skin on your face during pregnancy. You have a greater risk for experiencing melasma if you have darker hair and skin. There is no specific treatment for this condition, so it is best to take steps to prevent it. 

This condition is related to pregnancy hormones and exposure to the sun, so the first thing you can do is stay out of the sun. If you do need to be outside during the day, be sure to wear a protective sun hat and wear SPF 30 or higher sunblock. It is also recommended to look for sunblock containing the ingredient Parsol 1789 or Avobenzone. This will help prevent the multiplication of pigment cells in your facial skin that cause the dark colored patches of skin.

You can also apply any topical lotion containing vitamin C to help naturally suppress the pigment in your skin. Also, azelaic acid is good to reduce skin pigment and prevent melasma, and is safe to use during pregnancy.

Use this information to help treat these three skin conditions during your pregnancy and read more here.